Endless Night . Snowball FightHawkein on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hawkein/art/Endless-Night-Snowball-Fight-863255756Hawkein

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Endless Night . Snowball Fight



I didn't expect this draw the squad meme by gentei_sozai (twitter) to get this out of hand, but it did to the point I even made it into a wallpaper for the players in this campaign! XD;

The newest game I'm a part of, Endless Night. It's our Frost Maiden game and while it's only 4 sessions in, OMG I LOVE THIS GAME! Seriously all our characters are fun, the DM is building so much into the game, and we just can't wait for the next session every time. If you've never listened to any of the DnD games I'm a part of before on Midgardia, *this* is the one I recommend you start listening to. You can find the playlist here over on our youtube, and we live stream every other Friday.

And if you're curious about the characters, starting from the left.

Bitterfrost, Tiefling Sorcerer
Oryx, Earth Genasi Barbarian
Ember, Tabaxi Wizard
Sigrid, Earth Genasi Fighter (My character)
Adimiya, Aasimar Warlock
Image size
1248x702px 1.22 MB
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FuzzyDragon's avatar

I am DM'ing this Module as my first real game as a Dungeon Master I have to admit I love the swing from light hearted moments to eldritch terror so much and the book really gives you a ton of wiggle room to make it something memorable.