Hatty-hime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hatty-hime/art/C-Miss-Glitter-1-2-357625667Hatty-hime

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Hatty-hime's avatar

C: Miss-Glitter (1/2)



This is the first of two icons commissioned by =Miss-Glitter
It's of her OC Holly Monster :meow:


( That means its not free, and is only for her use. Thank you.)

>u< If you like my icons, feel free to message me about a commission if you're interested!
If you just wanna see the ones I've done so far, click here: [link]

I work with paint, so I cant do greatest or the most complex animations, I'm sorry!
Comments are appreciated because, I'm kinda shy and have a low-self esteem when it comes to making these!
so really, when you comment, I'm grateful! Thanks! <33
Image size
50x50px 11.98 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Hatty-hime
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NasikaSakura's avatar
You make the holly so bubbly and cute.
I like the wlittle white twinkles.
Her ears dissapeared though, whihc makes her hair have less dimention in personal opinion.