Weeaboos... SHUT UPHaters-Gonna-Hate-Me on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/haters-gonna-hate-me/art/Weeaboos-SHUT-UP-208507306Haters-Gonna-Hate-Me

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Weeaboos... SHUT UP



Tried learning Japanese once and, god damn that is a hard language to learn, especially writing it. Then come along the weeaboos who act like since they know just a few damn words that are said a lot in animes, that they know Japanese fluently. Therefore, they stick random Japanese words into their sentences like gomen, sugoi, kawaii, desu, baka, etc. It annoys the fucking hell out of me and it gives the rest of us who enjoy anime and Japan for its culture a bad name.
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I will acknowledge that America rebuilt Japan's economy and protected japan from Russia and China. However, I refuse to believe that the Japanese owe all their success to America. It was Japanese corporations that made japan's economy one of the largest in the world, it was Japanese television programs, automobiles, toys, electronics and videogames that made so many people around the world interested in japan and it's Japan makes better products than America so It's because of the Japanese that japan is so successful. I'm not debating the morality of bombing japan or saying japan is better than America. I just think we should acknowledge that Japanese products are better and feel it's wrong for America to take credit for all of japan's success.