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harwicks-art's avatar

Trixie Day Double Billing



You just know that they still fought over whose name was the one on the top of the poster...

It's Trixie Day over on EQD, and I always love a bit of the showmare so I wanted to participate.  What's more, I really like the human version as well, especially as she appeared in the "Forgotten Friendship" special alongside Sunset Shimmer.  They had a good rapport as grudging allies... not quite as much animosity as there is between pony Trixie and Twilight, not really the supposed friendship that she has with Starlight...  So I was happy to add her to the mix as another double character image (although I went with some different character proportions this time.)

As always, if you'd like to support my work please consider visiting my Patreon !

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If you're feeling generous and would like to encourage me, feel free to drop me a small amount... it would be most appreciated!
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1762x2300px 2.46 MB
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MightyMorphinPower4's avatar

Awesome and beatiful work on them