All Glory to the Dragon Lordharwicks-art on DeviantArt

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harwicks-art's avatar

All Glory to the Dragon Lord



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Hey, has anyone drawn any pictures of that new dragon character yet?

Okay, so I'm a little late to the party, and surely there are some getting burnt out on images of a certain scaly blue addition to the show's lore... but really, I can't blame the fandom for eating this new character up.  Sure, she's not overly deep, and generally pretty stock (not that I find that a damning thing at all), but on the other hand she's a bipedal female dragon in full plate armor.  I mean, c'mon...  Dragons in armor are awesome.  You can't expect me to not draw that.

While I enjoyed Dragon Lord Ember, my favorite character of the episode was easily former Dragon Lord Torch.  I just loved that guy's voice and design, and despite being the size of a small castle even he wore armor.  Seriously, how big of an anvil was needed to make that breastplate of his?  I'll probably have to go back and draw him sometime too.  Certainly I hope that we see him again... Perhaps in a flashback dealing with Celestia?  It seems like he must have gotten along well enough with ponies during his rule, since the trouble-making dragons were looking at a change in leadership as a chance to go pillage Equestria.

Overall, this was a good Spike episode, and it's nice to see that the show has finally given him another dragon to relate to...  Ember is more than needed in those regards.  I do hope that we see more of her, and I suspect that we will before too long.

I, for one, welcome our new Dragon Overlords.

After being told to do so numerous times, I have finally set up a tip jar at Ko-Fi:
If you're feeling generous and would like to encourage me, feel free to drop me a small amount... it would be most appreciated!
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