Champagne For AllHarusarchus on DeviantArt

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Champagne For All



:new: Since some people asked me about my Hototos, because there were foals (CROSSBREEDS!) in my Event Priszes and here is a Hototo(CROSS), too. I KNOW that the breedings for purebreeds are closed! Yeah, I read that blog and I also read the comments below. Just to see if someone allready asked my questions, so I wouldn't ask the same question again and again. Right in the first comment is one of those questions I wanted to ask:
Breeding with halfbreds is still allowed?
Perfect, so I don't have to ask this, too, since *Jullelin answered allready:
To breed a halfbreed hototo is allowed, but not a purebreed one.
Since the foal won't be immortal, they only live unnatural long lives, about 40-50 years, then they die... if they don't die of sickness or injuries during their lifes. Just to clarify.

So please! Stop asking me 'is this breeding allowed?' Madame de Pompadour is allready a cross-hototo, so it is ok if I breed her to a shire I think. And all foals that were prizes from my competition are CROSSBREEDS!
And now I won't allow any more breedings with my Hototos untill the breed is open again. The Event was made before the rule and since all foals were crossbreeds I didn't say something against. :new:

Some new foalies for EH :dummy:

The handsome Shire stallion IVS A Touch Of Class has visited our big girls :3

Madonna is nearly as white as her mother and her grandmother xD

IVS A Touch Of Class [link] *inglorious-vikings
EH Madonna [link] and EH Madame de Pompadour [link] are mine
Hototo breed *Jullelin
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4716x2031px 3.94 MB
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