Current Residence: Liminal Space
Favorite genre of music: Would "All" count?
Favorite style of art: Style...well, more realistic manga/anime
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Zune 30GB
Wallpaper of choice: Guys of Final Fantasy
Skin of choice: Okami
Favourite cartoon character: Shakugan no Shana
Personal Quote: "I dun wanna do it..."
Favourite Visual Artist
Kaori Yuki, Rumiko Takahashi, Kousuke Fujishima, Ito Noizi
Favourite Movies
Anything involving Monty Python, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Oreskaband, Tool, Prodigy, NIN, Billy Talent, VNV Nation, She Wants Revenge, Disturbed, Cake
Favourite Writers
Ray Bradbury, Philip Pullman, Alice Borchardt, Lewis Carroll, Anne McCaffrey
Favourite Games
Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy, Chrono Cross, Xenosaga, Monster Hunter
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, Nintendo DS, NES, SNES
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, paper, a mighty ruler, and Photoshop 7 (I die without you photoshop...)
Other Interests
Drawing, Anime, Music, Astronomy, Mechanics