See? You can insert an embed YouTube video on a Journal, there is no need to create an SWF.
<da:embed height="315" width="560" profile="youtube" id="gveVPPNjcro">
MikuTelopE DL!gMZD1bSZ!OEwYlev7qak…
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
The Odyssey of a Lost Day
Did you ever wanted to do something, but then you found some obstacles along the way and/or got distracted with something else? Well, that's more or less what happened to me yesterday. It was a damn wasted day, I tried a lot of things, but achieved nothing...
It all started with something simple: just an idea for my next MMD VR video. I've been so busy working on the MMD VR Tools that I barely had any time to actually use the damn tools to make some VR videos. Therefore, yesterday I wanted to make one.
I spent some time collecting the 5 pieces of Unknown Mother Goose motion. Yeah, you read it right, 5 vmd files just for one motion, each one contains some specific data (the base motion, one for the leg IK bones, one for the hand fingers, one for the eyes and eyebrows and the lip sync). I chose this motion because currently I only have 2 camera motions adapted to VR, Hi-fi Raver and this one, I already made one video with Hi-fi Raver, so I wanted to try this other one.
I loaded the
MMD VR Tools Tutorial
Hi there! It’s been a while since I left the MMD Community, isn't it? WOW! 3 Years already. Now I want to state this to make it very clear:
I am NOT coming back in any way, shape or form.
But it just so happens that I want to make 3D VR videos. Among the options available, I chose MMD because despite all the shit and drama going around, it still has the greatest catalogue of freely available assets to make 3D animations, including 3D models, stages and motion data for hundreds, or maybe thousands of popular songs. This makes it the best choice when you just want to make a 3D dance video. Therefore, here I am again messing around with MMD.
Before getting started I want to point out a few things:
The tools are in an early development stage, therefore they surely have many bugs. Leave a comment here or send a Note/Chat to report such issues. You can also ask any questions related to how to use the program.
AutoRender only supports rendering VR 180 degree videos for now.
El Sonido del Silencio / The Sound of Silence
Note: To read the original journal in English, check it out below:
Hola a todos y a todas, quisiera dirigirme a la comunidad de habla hispana de DeviantArt para trasladarles este mensaje.
En caso de que algunos de ustedes no lo sepan, a finales de Mayo el diseño antiguo de DA dejará de estar disponible, en favor del nuevo diseño Eclipse, que a pesar de todas las actualizaciones que ha recibido sigue careciendo de muchas funciones que estaban disponibles en el diseño antiguo.
Hay una gran parte de la comunidad a la que no le gusta el nuevo diseño, principalmente por toda la funcionalidad que se pierde. Tanto es así que se está organizando un evento en señal de protesta.
La protesta consiste en lo siguiente: El Silencio. No publicar nada en DeviantArt, ni siquiera acceder el sitio, durante los tres días que va a durar la protesta. La idea se que vean una bajada de tráfico (con las implicaciones que ello conlleva a nivel de publicidad y demás) y se den cuenta del impacto que tendrá
Will you stay here after Eclipse switch?
(Texto en español después del inglés) Hi, I'm tagging here some awesome artists that I like, because I have a question for them:
@edjarit-117 , @foxykuro , @GigaMessy , @Just-Bi-You , @Kainkout , @Kazenokaze , @keshi-gomu , @KozureOkamixx , @Reneg30 , @Shadako26 , @YukinoMemories
Hello everyone, I'm tagging all of you because I have a question for you. Probably you have already read about the new Eclipse design. In case you don't, well, it's enough to say that it's a mobile-oriented, cheap copy of other art sites like Artstation. There's actually a switch on the top bar on the right to alternate between the current site and Eclipse. But ...
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