Young lad.img553. with storyharrietsfriend on DeviantArt

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harrietsfriend's avatar

Young lad.img553. with story



An inner city portrait of a young resident of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, taken in 1972.  I took a series of three photos, one vertical, and two horizontal, but chose the vertical with more length to give emphasis on the face and his body language. I felt his trusting gaze makes the image, and yet still gives the surroundings a chance to make a statement about his environment and the times he lived it.

Taken with a Leica M2 with 50mm F2.0 Summicron, on Kodak Plus X 135mm black and white panchromatic film. There is a hint of sepia, but this is just the usual paper I printed on, Agfa Portriga #3 contrast, double weight, with a ultra high silver content.

Feel free to download, just give me photo credit.

eugene spiegel
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523x900px 410.61 KB
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GraphFrite's avatar

He looks a lot like Butch from little rascals