Cowboy. L1000241, with storyharrietsfriend on DeviantArt

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harrietsfriend's avatar

Cowboy. L1000241, with story



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I met Wallace at the Sam's club as I was getting ready to leave.  I liked his hat and told him so.  We got to talking and learned he was a retired cowboy, had even made the cowboy hall of fame.  Quite a story he weaved, and I was happy I had spoken up and met him.  He was with his daughter and I asked if he minded me taking a portrait of him.  It took a few images to get this relaxed smile, with that hint of mischief.  I had gotten the one I had wanted. I sent him a copy for the family, an obligation I do whenever I can.

Taken with my 90mm F2.0 Summicron from about 4 feet away (1 and 1/4 meters) close enough to isolate him from the many visual distractions common to big businesses.  I was unable to control the location, but I was able to limit your point of view.

Feel free to download, just give me photo credit.

eugene spiegel
Image size
1100x902px 667.91 KB
Leica Camera AG
LEICA M (Typ 240)
Shutter Speed
1/61 second
Focal Length
0 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Feb 21, 2018, 4:07:30 PM
© 2018 - 2025 harrietsfriend
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ToveAnita's avatar
I love this photo!! Blue Heart Emoji