Bob.800 0020, with storyharrietsfriend on DeviantArt

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harrietsfriend's avatar

Bob.800 0020, with story



Young whippersnapper!
     Why are you taking my picture?
          You won't get a smile from me.
                Did I tell you I was 86?
                     Well I am.

This is my friend Bob, who I visited just recently to give him his portrait I had taken some years ago, in 2006.  Actually, the portrait wasn't for him, as much as his family, as he knows what he looks like.

He lives in a retirement community up on the hill.  The interesting point of the story, was I had called to give him a half hours notice, then went to the security door to call and be buzzed in.  He didn't hear the door call and he didn't hear my phone call, so I left to find his daughter, to whom I left the matted portrait.

         But, before I left, I asked some of the residents milling about in the lobby if they knew what room he was in, so I could go and knock on the door.  I had his photo, and his name, but of all who I asked if they knew him, had no idea, and some asked to see the photo more than once, as they forgot seeing it, just a moment ago.

Well as you can see I found him and took the opportunity to retake his image as of now.  He did give me a smile portrait, but I liked this crusty old coot better.  His family will get the smile one.

Feel free to download, just give me photo credit.

eugene spiegel

Did I tell you he is 86?  He told me it a few times as well.
Image size
640x900px 149.31 KB
Shutter Speed
1/40 second
Focal Length
120 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Feb 3, 2015, 10:34:48 PM
© 2015 - 2025 harrietsfriend
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BillyNikoll's avatar
:wow: the portrait is perfect!:clap: by LeoLeonardo