Harpy images is my hobby photography portfolio.
Its an interest I have held for a very long time and after watching with huge interest photographers I have worked with(ex model) and how they work, I finally got a camera and started taking pictures of my own.
Anything dark and twisted tends to appeal, as do concepts based on how I see the world..but I have a very warped sense of humour and this I think sometimes shows in my subject matter
I have taken to calling myself a " faux-tographer " rather than a real one because at the moment everything I am doing is purely from the little I can already do and the rest is by feel so to speak...and a little help from photoshop if I am honest.
I have had some experience and am lucky enough to be being given tips, hints, help and coaching by some wonderfully talented photographers along the way... they have taught me so much and its something I am incredibly and eternally grateful for.
Current Residence: South Wales
All my images are copyright to myself.
Copyright Notice
All rights, including copyright are owned or controlled by myself Harpyimages/Meg Gaiger
Except where expressly stated otherwise, you are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show, publish, adapt or change in any way the content for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission from myself Harpyimages/Meg Gaiger
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited unless written permission by myself is given.
This includes taking for AI created works.