P2U Female pony baseHarmoniousRain on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/harmoniousrain/art/P2U-Female-pony-base-777389399HarmoniousRain

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P2U Female pony base



wow my first public base ever!!

would you like to make some adoptables you'd like to sell, or just want to draw a brand new mlp character but you lack the motivation to make a base? worry not! I'll stop the teleshop speech now

The .rar file contains a .psd and a .sai file of the full base set! which include:
- 4 basic pony species
- variations for ears and hooves
- 4 eyes and 6 mouths to create many different expressions
- horns and antlers!
- various wing types
- fish fins!
- tails!!

Some rules!
- You may use it for adoptables but NOT for commissions (this includes custom commissions).
- Do not share with 3rd party.
- Always credit me in the description if you're using it!
- Please, leave a comment if you have bought/are using it! It's not necessary, but much appreciated <3
- Sadly this is not MS Paint friendly./

thank you!!

© 2018 - 2025 HarmoniousRain
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