Do you know Zengatas?

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Harmonie--Rosalina's avatar
I'm sure if I ask who know about :iconeropuchi: a lot will say "No" and it's time to fix that point cause he's really amazing.

Recently it was a raffle organized by Zentagas-Rex and a free illustration as prizee but it as only two participants (what a shame). It remember me when I created the project "your dream by..." on the blog, like a raffle everybody can enter but poeple didn't notice about that or were too lazy to read rules... >_<

I noticed about this raffle to late but I'll do a journal as in the rules cause Zentagas-Rex really deserves some promotion.

So, what about rules:
1.- You need show my art in your journal
And I'll cheat linking his entire gallery... Mwahahah... Just click here

So easy, who's next?
2.- you must to add the link to  
three drawings you like more of my gallery

3 pictures I love... Well...

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Rosalina and Kasatka :commission by Eropuchi

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Rosalina and Kasatka :commission by Eropuchi

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Rosalina and Kasatka :commission by Eropuchi

Ok, I can't be serious with Rosalina, but you must admit he made a wonderfull piece for the blog, also love so much lingerie and high heels and Zentagas-Rex did it as if his more into barefoot, thanks so much fro your kindnesss and amazing job ... °w°

Well, more seriously, first because I love his pokegirl and once the budget allow it must commission him for the "where is my pokemon?" project (he also made Glaceon, Flareon and Jolteon that I'm sure you must love (if you like ecchi):

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SEXY UMBREON by Eropuchi

And cause Zentagas-Rex can made normal SFW  and damn cute art:
chibi Samus by Eropuchi

But his sexy girls are the best... Eh eh...

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Hot Hinata by Eropuchi

© 2015 - 2025 Harmonie--Rosalina
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Eropuchi's avatar
:lol: I love your three election of your favorit pic Rosalina,Rosalina,Rosalina
thank you very much for all the things you say about me
you make me feel important  T_T ,I´m happy
I hope that if we do another contest later
this time we will have  succeed.
Greetings my friend :hug: