Leather Boot TutorialHarmonicCosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/harmoniccosplay/art/Leather-Boot-Tutorial-271777474HarmonicCosplay

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December 31, 2011
Leather Boot Tutorial by ~HarmonicCosplay
Featured by shelldevil
HarmonicCosplay's avatar

Leather Boot Tutorial



There are enough words up there, I'll leave the description in the tutorial.

Sorry for the size, it's my first one and I tried to make it not super long... but I'm super wordy. -_-

The story behind these boots starts with Avatar cosplay. We tried to find real shoes that looked like the characters, but there was nothing to be done for Sokka and Zuko, who both have incredibly unique boot styles. "Okay," I think to myself. "Someone out there has got to have a pattern for this."

Cue days long internet search.

All I could find were moccasin style boots. Those might be okay for a Water Tribe-esque boot, but they didn't look right. Finally, fed up with life, I thought about everything I've learned while sewing and remembered corset/bodice tape casts, and this boot was born. The curl in the toe didn't happen, but this was boot 1 and curls are hard.

Pic of this boot in action: [link]

If you have any questions, comment or send me a message and I'll get back to you.

Edit: Guys, this is awesome! Thank you so much to `shelldevil for the feature. I'm responding to what I can, but to everyone else, thank you so much for the favs! I'm glad this experiment of mine is useful to so many people. I was just being stubborn and wanted a boot, not a boot cover (which have their place, but I was being picky) and went at it. If you'd like rubber soles for your boot but don't want to buy and dissect a shoe to do it, check out the first comment below for a super-handy link with a pretty good selection of soles for shoe repair.

Edit the second: More pictures of this method in action for Korra cosplay (slouchy, slip on style): [link]
Those were made by tape-casting while I was wearing thick socks and some other leather boots (ones I didn't make, but have a similar profile to Zuko's), which added enough bulk and shape for the slouchier fit. Sorry to everyone who may get a notice for this change, I don't know how the notification system works but I wanted to link to other boots made with this (I'll probably be adding other people's links later, once I ask).
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Fox-Hawk001's avatar
Cool. Thank you for posting!
