Minty The QueenHarmleikur on DeviantArt

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Minty The Queen



Minty The Queen Of Pones!!!

So.. Yap, another fan art.
Yesterday I watched on YT some funny videos about Hobbit and all crew (interviews and another PJ vlogs). In one short program [link] I saw very funny moment about RA relationship with his horse :D
That was brillian. Then somewhere I sow some funny pic when Thorin and Fili speak in a field (scene, when they were hunted by orks, minutes before they go to the Rivendell by Hidden Path) and appears Shadofax.
Of course, for majestic Thorin, only majestic mount is his dearly beloved pony Minty (The Majestic Queen of Ponys)
I found original picture of this situation [link]

There is my gallery with Hobbit fan arts [link] and some sketches of Thorin :3
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852x840px 579.11 KB
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l-Ellena-l's avatar
Tak pogardzić rohańskim koniem, no nie wierzę ;) :D Ale że to krasnolud (i do tego ten konkretny ;p), to mi całkiem pasuje :) Wyobraziłam sobie tę kwestię wypowiadaną przez Armitage'a :D