I'm just your average nerdy gal who loves to cosplay....and in my spare time I'm a college student getting my Master's degree.
Psych major and art minor!
I have a major obsession with comics (mostly my beloved Princess of Crime- Harley Quinn), but I'm also a massive fan of various animes, movies, cartoons, and videogames. Videogames I kinda suck at though, haha!
Interested in sponsoring a cosplay or ordering prints/ digital fanservice sets or custom artwork? Send me a note!
If you're interested in cosplaying with me or being my photographer send me a note! Currently located in FL!
Birthday: October 8th
If you're interested in using my cosplay photos for an art piece or editing them I will most likely let you use it, but PLEASE "note" me and ask permission first!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Thank you so much to new and faithful watchers alike!!!
I'm now at 100,000+ pageviews and 1,000+ watchers. I just want to say thank you for visiting my page, supporting me, commenting and faving!
Look on my FB page in Cosplay Plans album!
Thank you!