hardwidge on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hardwidge/art/Steampunk-insects-Arthrobots-196993829hardwidge

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Steampunk insects - Arthrobots



Arthrobots are unique and individual steampunk insect sculptures created by UK artist Tom Hardwidge.
Tom is based near Manchester in England and has been creating the Arthrobots (a combination of robots and arthropods) since late 2010.

Each Arthrobot starts its life as a series of sketches, some take their inspiration from nature, others from bits and pieces or recycled metal and beads which form an unusual structure or fit together in an interesting way. After they have been planned out (very roughly) they start to take shape in Tom's dining room where he has all of his tools and materials laid out to prevent any actual dining from taking place.

After they have been finished, each sculpture is named based on its natural counterpart (a grasshopper or dragonfly for example) and any unusual or unique features it has developed during the sculpting process (long legs or a steam valve on its back).
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1000x667px 205.55 KB
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