Grell: Butler of Deathharaju2girls on DeviantArt

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Grell: Butler of Death



Sebas-chan! I want your babies!!! *revs chainsaw*

Grell was Cyber Snow White's Ai-con 2009 morning cosplay to run around in while doing volunteer duties. It was recently brought out for a Kuroshitsuji themed screening that the UTas Anime Society hosted! :D
The most complicated part of making this outfit was actually the wig! It was dyed to the colour using two red Sharpie ink filters and rubbing alcohol and also has extensions sewn into it to make it look more full.

Cyber Snow White as Grell Sutcliffe

Photography by :iconsynvamp:

Photo Editing by :iconsynvamp: and Cyber Snow White
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668x874px 320.26 KB
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YumeMusume's avatar
I want that wig!