Pokemon PrincessesHapuriainen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hapuriainen/art/Pokemon-Princesses-286374657Hapuriainen

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Pokemon Princesses



The official Disney princesses from Disney's "Disney Princesses" franchise in Pokemon style. I tried to emulate Sugimori's style, but it didn't exactly work... The tutorials I could find had contradicting instructions, such as "draw outlines with the line tool" "pick a pencil like brush for outlines" "shade with smugde" "shade with a soft brush" etc. I didn't really understand them so I shaded with just lower flow on the brush.

More thoughts on them here, in "drawings".


Q: Will you draw ____?
A: I don't know. I'm glad I managed to finish eight of them, isn't that enough for now?
Q: Where is Jasmine/Pocahontas/Kida/whatever?
A: I thought Jasmine and Pocahontas weren't a part of the lineup so I didn't draw them, but I have now been corrected. Other characters are missing because I don't have the time to draw every possible Disney female.
Q: Mulan is not a princess!
A: I know, I've seen the movie. But she's a part of the official princess lineup and if I had left her out people would start asking where she is.

Snow White, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Used the round Skyla style eyes, which was a mistake. I wanted to use the stripes on the poofy sleeves somehow, but it made the design too busy so I thought it was better to leave them out.
Not really liking the design, but I find the drawing the most Sugimori style looking. A bit silly how she has such sturdy trainers when the delicate glass slippers were a central part of her story, but it's not like a Pokemon trainer could go around in those. The shirt tied at her waist was blatantly copied from Candice.
Aurora, from Sleeping Beauty
This might be my least favourite, the design has too much going on and it doesn't really stay together. Also I think her blue dress looks way much better than the pink one, but I picked the pink thing anyway since Belle and Cinderella already had a blue colourscheme.
Belle, from Beauty and the Beast
This is probably the only one of these I fully like... Using the blue/white outfit instead of the yellow ball gown thing, I think it looks a million times prettier.
Ariel, from the Little Mermaid
One bandana = good. More than one = not so good any more. What was I thinking? Tried to make this one resemble something you could wear on a hot beach.
She's my favourite Disney princess but the pokegirl outfit turned out pretty bland. On the other hand her outfit had so many colours that it was tough keeping the design from getting too busy.
Tiana, from the Princess and the Frog
Another outfit that has a lot of stuff going on and very little of it has much sense. And I'm still unsure about the curls hanging from the bag; pokemon style shouldn't have that thin lace. But I really wanted to make use of the plant thing on her waist from the lilypad dress, and that was the only thing I could think of.
Rapunzel, from Tangled
This is my second favourite after Belle even if the outfit looks neither too pokemon-like nor resembles Rapunzel's outfit... I sketched the rough draft of the dress design and it looked so nice that I wanted to use it even if it had very little in common with Rapunzel's dress, and in the end the only thing I could do to make it a bit more recognisable was the colours. Also tried to use the stripes from her sleeves for the thights.
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WonderKatMEOWofRuby's avatar

Why is Ariel wearing shorts coz I don't get it?.