Naruto character creatorHapuriainen on DeviantArt

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Hapuriainen's avatar

Naruto character creator

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Before you ask anything about my dress ups, please see if your question has already been answered in the F.A.Q. Thank you.


If you post your creation anywhere, please link back by either copying the game's web address or writing something about : iconhapuriainen: without the space so you'll get my icon (these only work on Deviantart).
Please post your creations in your Scraps album and not in the normal gallery, as they're not art made by you.

I've lost my interest in Naruto so I'm not planning to add any more stuff to this game, so please don't ask me to add ___ or wonder where ___ is

So it's finished now. It was supposed to be a lot better (especially "body" and "other" categories should have had way more stuff), but I've been working on this for almost a month and now I don't want to see the whole game ever again. Man, I'm totally exhausted! So I probably won't add any more stuff in some time. But if you spot a bug please tell me, and I'll try to make myself fix it.

While doing this I noticed that Naruto clothes are pretty boring...

Sorry no reset button (for now). It wouldn't work, and then I got mad at it and deleted it. I'll try to add it someday.
Image size
750x655px 907.93 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Hapuriainen
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UchihaSenjuNamekaze's avatar

I've been trying to figure out how to make naruto and dbz Ocs do you know any good apps or sites?