
Sunny Haiku

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Happyhedonic's avatar

Literature Text

Sun rise from the sea

Its tranquil waves comfort me

Our world disappears

© 2022 - 2024 Happyhedonic
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mageofcatswri's avatar

Meaningful haikus are hard to write. Overall, I like that this one has a clear emotion/vibe to it.

One thing I'd like to mention is that I'm not sure how the last line functions in relation to the poem as a whole. We start off with imagery of the sun rising over a body of water, then transition to a loss of imagery, which I assume is meant to symbolize getting lost in the imagery. I don't feel that it accomplishes this task well; it's too heavily supported by what you know the poem is meant to mean, not by what is actually going on in the poem itself.

Despite that, I personally enjoyed the haiku and think that you did a good job.