2018 WBS Quality In Color Show *RESULTS*:star: PRIZES: :star: Prizes are listed in the main journal. It is YOUR responsibility to contact the people who donated prizes to collect your winnings! Trophies and Ribbons will be uploaded by me shortly.RNG Witness: @TheRyannaJudging Breakdown: Rules/Obsticals/Fullbody/Handler/Shading/BG/ExtraImg/Exp./Story/Cattle/RaceExtra/PollAd/JournalAd/Prize/Banner/RNG=Total Stallion Halter (3+ years old) 1st - TLEC Playdox Advocate - ENTRY - 10/-/10/5/5/10/5/1/0/-/-/0/5/5/0/14=70 2nd - |WW| Losing My Train of Thought - ENTRY - 10/-/10/5/15/5/0/0/2.46/-/-/1/0/5/0/9=62.46 3rd - Hesa Spotted Spook - ENTRY - 10/-/10/5/0/3/0/1.5/0/-/-/0/5/...
This show is now closed for judging. Good luck to everyone!
All entries are due today! Judging will begin tomorrow, so be sure to get your entries in ASAP!
Sorry, I completely fudged my days. I can start judging TUESDAY (the 3rd), so all entries are due the 2nd, TOMORROW. Please get your entries in either today or by tomorrow, I will not be accepting entries after tomorrow. ALSO REMEMBER! If your horse has previous experience in the class they're entering, include links to the results in your form so your score can be boosted! Good luck everyone!

The show has been extended due to popular demand on the poll I posted angry-horse-for-life.deviantar… , please be mindful that this will be the ONLY extension. Use the extra time given wisely

Running: Deadline is
Event Type: Western and English
Restrictions: Horse must have white markings (Tobiano, Overo, Sabiano, Splash, Leopard Appaloosa, etc)

REGISTER HERE: comments.deviantart.com/1/7264…
LINK ENTRIES HERE: comments.deviantart.com/1/7264…
ASK QUESTIONS HERE: comments.deviantart.com/1/7264…

Horses Reff:
Classes Entering:
Prize Donation:
BE SPECIFIC! Are you donating a prize to all 1st place, or just to 2nd place in stallion halter? Want to donate to 3rd Place in flat racing and 1st place in Cutting? Be. Specific.
Remember to fill out the following form in your entries artist description EXACTLY, or you will be docked points:
Show: (link to this journal + name)
Horse: (link to reference + name)
Class: (what class the entry is for)
Advertisement: (link)
Prize Donation: (what you donated)
Story: (write story here)
If you can not complete something, write N/A
For Example:
Show: 2018 WBS Quality In Color Show
Horse: WBS Get Low When The Whistle Blow
Class: Reining
Advertisement: Here
Prize Donation: N/A
Story: Once upon a time there was a horse who entered a show, blah blah blah, the end.
Blank Form:
Prize Donation:
*If your horse has previous experience be sure to link to proof!*

The Sponsors

If your group would like to sponsor this show, let me know! The entrants registered with your group must be rewarded in your group by entering our show (through gaining more points than usual for a show entry via your groups point system).

This show is sponsored by HARPGs-Best-Foals! Any foal/yearling registered with that group will get +7 credit points for entering this show instead of the normal +6!

This show is sponsored by Studbook-Database! Any horse registered with that group will get +2 credit points for entering this show instead of the normal +1!

This show is sponsored by Thoroughbred-Society! Any horse registered with that group will get +2.5 credit points for entering this show instead of the normal +1.5!

Classes Entering:
Prize Donation:

Remember to fill out the following form in your entries artist description EXACTLY, or you will be docked points:
Show: (link to this journal + name)
Horse: (link to reference + name)
Class: (what class the entry is for)
Advertisement: (link)
Prize Donation: (what you donated)
Story: (write story here)
If you can not complete something, write N/A
For Example:
Show: 2018 WBS Quality In Color Show
Horse: WBS Get Low When The Whistle Blow
Class: Reining
Advertisement: Here
Prize Donation: N/A
Story: Once upon a time there was a horse who entered a show, blah blah blah, the end.
Blank Form:
Prize Donation:
*If your horse has previous experience be sure to link to proof!*

If your group would like to sponsor this show, let me know! The entrants registered with your group must be rewarded in your group by entering our show (through gaining more points than usual for a show entry via your groups point system).

It is Spring on the island (Pangaea Isles, where we live). With the forest so close, there is possible wildlife sightings at all of the outdoor classes, including Printer the squirrel (shown here , here , here), deer, mountain lions, birds, etc. Animals are coming out of hiding for spring and migrational birds are returning. If you are worried your background is incorrect, or your WIP is incorrect, etc, feel free to privately note me at any time so we can work it out together! The Temperature should be high of 65 during the day, low of 45 in the morning, so dress warm! There may be random short lived light showers throughout the day, but it is an overall sunny, breezy day.

This is the Indoor Arena. Barrels in Barrel Racing are purple with a horizontal black stripe through the middle. The footing is sand (I know the image shows dirt, ignore that, it is sand).

You get +1 point for every cow you include in your entry (max 8 points)
Our Outdoor Western arena is neighbor to the Show Jumping arena (to the left of it) with sand and brown fencing. The hills behind this arena smooth down and end on the right side of the arena, leaving the middle and left side of the arena open for a different view, where forestry and a clear view of the mountain ranges are visible in the distance.
Our Outdoor English arena is equipt with sand and white fencing. Behind it are rolling hills, and depending on your angle, you can see forestry in the distance. Show Jumping will take place here, and you get to design the jumps, but the bars must be a combination of purple and black.
Our Outdoor Dressage arena is neighbor to the Show Jumping arena (to the right of it) with sand, and a much smaller hill behind it. Easily visible are the tops of trees behind the small hill.
Endurance will be held on our outdoor trails.
Our Cross Country course is filled with only natural obsitcles such as fallen trees, large rocks, water crossings, hills, etc. Most of the course takes place in thick forestry, but the home stretch is through a meadow that has the distant view of mountain ranges. These are the type of trees you can find in our forestry for this cross country course.
The Flat Race will take place on our outdoor racetrack, dirt. The racing rail is black with the descending poles being purple. Forestry surrounds the race track and we have no spectator grand stands, so spectators will have to stand around the racing rail.

The Judging

+10 for following the rules (-2 for every rule broken)
+5 for correct obstacles (ex. barrels are shown for barrel racing and are correct colors)
+3 if entry is head/bust shot
+5 if entry is partial body
+10 if entry is full body
+0 for no rider/handler shown
+3 for partial rider/handler shown
+5 for full rider/handler shown
+3 for simple shading
+5 for shading
+10 for grayscale detailed shading
+15 for grayscale/lineless detailed shading
+3 for overly-simple and/or incorrect background
+5 for basic and correct background
+10 for detailed and correct background
+5 for extra image (max 1 image, can be vet check, arrival, etc- will count towards all of that horses entries)

+1-5 for horses experience (+3 if they have placed 1st in that class before, +2 if they have placed 2nd in that class before, +1 if they have placed 3rd in that class before, and +0.5 if they entered that class before but placed lower than 3rd. Points for experience max out at 5.)
+1-5 for story (100 words = 1 point , 100 word min.)
+1 for every extra cow you show in the cattle classes (max 7)
+5 for every featured horse (not your own) in the flat racing class (max 3)
+1 for advertising through a Poll
+5 for advertising through a Journal
+5 if you donate a prize
+1-5 for every sponsor banner you include
+1-15 RNG for performance

The Entries

Stallion Halter (3+ years old)
Iced American-o - no entry yet
Hesa Spotted Spook - ENTRY
Velvet - ENTRY
TLEC Playdox Advocate - ENTRY
|WW| Losing My Train of Thought - ENTRY
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Mare Halter (3+ years old)
WHS Miss Jackson - no entry yet
River Rocket - ENTRY
FEC Champion Disguise - ENTRY
EP JustALil'Lilly - ENTRY
PD Rosevidney+ - ENTRY
|WW| A Charming Dream - no entry yet
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
WSEC | Sedona - ENTRY
RR/WBS Blooming Rich Man T-01-452 - ENTRY
Youngstock Halter (0-2 years old)
AS Foxfire - ENTRY
ERS Jack the Ripper - ENTRY
RSF You Remember Lucifer - ENTRY
FEC Smart in the Enzone - ENTRY
SlightlyMad's Neopolitano - no entry yet
PD Sennen+ - ENTRY
SS+ Cat Called - ENTRY
EP Queen of Hearts - ENTRY
Stallion Liberty (3+ years old)

pearls n girls - ENTRY
TLEC Playdox Advocate - ENTRY
ISI The Mystic Paradox - ENTRY
|WW| Losing My Train of Thought - no entry yet
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang | #Z213 - ENTRY
Mare Liberty (3+ years old)
FEC Champion Disguise - ENTRY

Haven Sent+/ - no entry yet
|WW| A Charming Dream - no entry yet
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
Youngstock Liberty (0-2 years old)
AS Foxfire - ENTRY
CS Artistic Differences - ENTRY
WBS Baby, That's Rich - ENTRY
FP Golden Society - ENTRY
ERS Jack the Ripper - ENTRY
FEC Smart in the Enzone - ENTRY
SlightlyMad's Neopolitano - no entry yet
SS+ Cat Called - ENTRY
PD Firebird*+/ - no entry yet
Western Pleasure (3+ years old)
Velvet - ENTRY
TLEC Playdox Advocate - ENTRY
EP JustALil'Lilly - ENTRY

JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
Barrel Racing (3+ years old)
WHS Miss Jackson - no entry yet
TLEC Driftwood Dutchess - ENTRY
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
Cutting (3+ years old)
WHS Miss Jackson - ENTRY
FEC Champion Disguise - ENTRY
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
Reining (3+ years old)
WHS Miss Jackson - no entry yet
FEC Champion Disguise - ENTRY

JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
Reined Cow Horse (3+ years old)

PD Stellar with Lace - no entry yet
FEC Champion Disguise - ENTRY
Dressage (3+ years old)

434 EI Lochlan - no entry yet
EP Valkyrie - no entry yet
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Show Jumping (3+ years old)
Iced American-o - no entry yet
EI Ferdinand - no entry yet
GF Seinja RVEC - no entry yet

Endurance (3+ years old)
Iced American-o - no entry yet
Gallahad Some Charm - no entry yet
TLEC Venemous Rouge - ENTRY
|WW| Hidalgo - no entry yet
Dessert Before Dinner - no entry yet
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Cross Country (3+ years old)

WSEC | Bhanwen Beauregard | ID002 - ENTRY
Flat Race (2+ years old) (1 Mile, dirt)
AS Foxfire - ENTRY
CS Artistic Differences - ENTRY
RSF You Remember Lucifer - ENTRY
ERS Jack the Ripper - no entry yet
SB Synesthesia - ENTRY
|WW| Hidalgo Wannabe - ENTRY
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Breeders Showcase
Girl Gone Wild and Gallahad Some Charm - ENTRY
FEC Champion Disguise and TLEC Envious PocoNic - ENTRY
[ACS] Magic to Do and ACS Wizard's Chess - ENTRY
WBS Can't Tap This +/* and SS+ Cat Called - ENTRY
WBS Overlooked Beauty and WBS Roman Beauty - ENTRY
BWV Dreamcatcher++++/ and PD Holywell+/ and PD Kenwyn - no entry yet
CS Artistic Differences - ENTRY
RSF You Remember Lucifer - ENTRY
ERS Jack the Ripper - no entry yet
SB Synesthesia - ENTRY
|WW| Hidalgo Wannabe - ENTRY
JA's Shariq ibn Khalid - no entry yet
Breeders Showcase
Girl Gone Wild and Gallahad Some Charm - ENTRY
FEC Champion Disguise and TLEC Envious PocoNic - ENTRY
[ACS] Magic to Do and ACS Wizard's Chess - ENTRY
WBS Can't Tap This +/* and SS+ Cat Called - ENTRY

BWV Dreamcatcher++++/ and PD Holywell+/ and PD Kenwyn - no entry yet
|WW| Hidalgo and |WW| Hidalgo's Reflection - ENTRY
Vaulting (3+ years old)
maple - ENTRY

Grand Champion 

Horse with the most overall points by the end of the show
Horse must have entered at least 3 classes to qualify
1 FREE WBS Breed Import (One of the following breeds: Derentielle, Lupinequine, Suminequine, Xenequine, Pan Mule angry-horse-for-life.deviantar… )
by TimberlakeLaneEC
by Illudyr
Shaded Headshot by sokaede
Engraved Leather Halter by painted-cowgirl
Free custom SikhoteSportsHorse by Torro-Torro
Free breeding to WSEC | Bhanwen Beauregard | ID001 by Torro-Torro
Vaulting (3+ years old)
maple - ENTRY

The Prizes

Horse with the most overall points by the end of the show
Horse must have entered at least 3 classes to qualify

Horse with the second most overall points by the end of the show
Horse must have entered at least 3 classes to qualify

Horse with the third most overall points by the end of the show
Horse must have entered at least 3 classes to qualify

My personal favorite entries <3