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WBS Massive Sheet Mini ShowIF your horse gets 5 1st places, they will earn a Grand Champion title with a special Grand Champion ribbon.
IF your horse gets 3 1st places, they will earn a Reserve Champion title with a special Reserve Champion ribbon.
**The same horse can not have both Reserve and Grand Champion title. The Reserve Champion title is just upgraded to Grand Champion when they reach their 5th 1st place.
CHAMPS: (ribbons in process)
1133 Shadow in the City - Reserve Champion
ALMOST Champs:
Heza Jerk - needs 1 more 1st to be Reserve Champion
SLS Southern Belle - needs 1 more 1st to be Reserve Champion
I will not notify you when your horse has placed. To see the results, click the listed ribbons.
Ok, so the gyst is:
-RNG judged
~Western Pleasure~
SS+ Amjal Nanja
SS+ Carinosa*
SS+ Marina
4921 WBS Jesu
Rouge's Kick the Dust Up
AS Ezio's Heart
Calee Dirayat - ENTRY
CCS Spit Fire
2039 SKG Lady's Choice
Rouge's Doc Holliday
HTS Shadow Cat
COR Dun'It Dashingly
FSR Baby Shoot Me Down
~Barrel Racing~
TFR Born Of Flame 1949
2039 SKG Lady's Choice
Heza Jerk
~Flat Racing~
WBS Don't Play Koi With Me
FDD | Padro 818 Carver |ULTIMATE Blood
Apparition Of A Banshee - ENTRY
~Cross Country~
CoaH Flying Dutchman
2039 SKG Lady's Choice
A1291 SES Urutu
American Aphroditus
American Frederico
518 Anaklusmos
WSEC | Sedona - ENTRY
~Show Jumping~
2039 SKG Lady's Choice
8415 Rugs
7079 Colors Of The Wind
Ned Flanders
GV Make Me - ENTRY
GV Absolut Vodka - ENTRY
B-452 Ridiculam Paulo Princeps
8415 Rugs
B-063 Res Novae
4987 Ziona
American Vesta
AS Say You Do
FDD | Padro #1042 | Shadow Moses [Perfect Blood]
TVS Cream and Sugar
Roosevelt's Command and Conquer
~Saddle Seat~
MVF White Star
English Pleasure~
AS Elioan
518 Anaklusmos
LS Miss Champion Killer
HTS Dante
B-041 WB Deligati Civitatem
1113 TBS Roland
B-359 Aspice Et Inferni
CCS Pardon My French
B-374 Verecunda Corculi
7346 Behr
B-144 Quisque Venandi
CVS Grumbling Ground
4987 Ziona
TVS Gunnar
FDD | Padro 1880 | Caddoc
NEC Karma Campaign
NEC Taniwa
GV Race the Moon - ENTRY
GV Constantine - ENTRY
WBS Wishful Thinking
WBS Calico Cashin'
WBS The Phantom Of The Opera
WBS Kill Your Drinks!
4101 Jokulhaup
WBS Champion Bay Barbarian
WBF Gotter Boots 'N Chaps On
E-156 Regem ad Radices Montis
WBS Down Town Swinger
WBS Badger Run
Mighty Magic
1524 HTS Arrow Chaser
1113 TBS Roland
676 TBS Hatch
Secret Santa
Arabian Foal 1
Arabian Foal 4
E-156 Regem ad Radices Montis
4921 WBS Jesu
119 Larch
518 Anaklusmos
4SS Running on Empty
Tuesday Mourning
GV Dante's Inferno - ENTRY
WBS Crystallized Eyez - ENTRY
AzA A Little Acrylic - ENTRY
WBS Dirty Flirt - ENTRY
WBS A Playgirls Promice - ENTRY
WBS Rare News - ENTRY
WBS Skipa Feature Sissy - ENTRY
WBS Quanah Chant - ENTRY
BEC Suhaila - ENTRY
4SS Beetlejuice - ENTRY
WSEC | Golden Coast Piccadilly - ENTRY
4SS Rockstar - ENTRY
WBS Torstein - ENTRY
Ribbon Template (c) jnferrigno
Image size
400x1000px 178.83 KB
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