The GameHansPeterKolb on DeviantArt

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The Game


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Chess, the royal game. In this case it is nature who plays this game. She is also man's mirror. Just as this game will some time be over mankind will one day come to en end - if the danger is not averted in time.
From the position of the pieces it is apparent that the king is under imminent danger from the black queen. There seems almost no avoiding the inevitable because the mighty rook, barely conspicuous, is lurking in the background. Perhaps the golden knight might be able to avert the peril at the last minute?
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1024x691px 183.5 KB
© 2007 - 2025 HansPeterKolb
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FeelingaBitLemony's avatar

The amount of pain this game gives when you and your opponent create a strong defense on both sides and have took one pawn before time runs out