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Last weekend ~Susapp was visiting me and she was really giving me inspiration to draw a comic, so I did. I made seven strips of this comic and I decided to make a SmackJeeves-account for them.

Also... I had problems coming up with a name for the comic, so I asked my friends in school about it. And finally I just decided to name it after the most stupid name we were able to come up with "irl * ilu".

I really want to put this comic somewhere in finnish too, so I decided to put it in finnish here in dA and the translation in english can be found in the smackjeeves-account.

Here's a link to the translation:

Characters here are mine and ~Susapp's rpg-characters and she's also helping me out with ideas for the strips, so this is kind of an collab between us two.

Done with sakura microns and coloured in photoshop 7.
Image size
1100x360px 136.66 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Hanna-Pirita
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HelouKitee's avatar
Luen nää kaikki nyt läpi varmaan jotain viidettä kertaa, irl*ilu on melkein ainoa suomalainen sarjis josta pidän(muut on En vaan OSAA! ja TentaLOVE).
Kiva aloitus, mä pidän sun piirrustustyylistä, ja tosiaan, noita huiveja on ihan kaikilla(joo-o, mulla myös). Pitäis varmaan syksyllä laskea kaikki Vähiksen tyypit joilla on tommonen huivi...

Ja sitten vielä random lisähuomautus tosta "Zach goes fishing"- videosta. Mä katoin Youtubesta, ja siellä oli täysin samalla nimellä video, jossa toinen tyyppi esitti kalastajaa ja toinen kalaa.