Air Jane Page 1hankinstein on DeviantArt

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Air Jane Page 1



As promised, an old one from "The Vault"....

This is more of a story illustrated with cartoons than a "comic" I guess (thought I still put it under "comic pages".

I did this 15 years ago, way back in 1995. Ever since I first read Jane Eyre in high school, I was fascinated with/obsessed with this story. After I'd seen a few TV renditions of it, I got this idea in my head after I started thinking about how "Eyre" sounds like "Air" and then yeah...Air Jane, Basketball Star/Governess came to be!

Remember, this is a long time ago and alas, I was still in college so I didn't have a whole lot of time to devote to my hobby of comic-ing. So yes, it is rushed in parts, the coloring isn't particularly great, but I thought it amusing enough to post it here and share with you folks here. I will be posting it at DrunkDuck as well.

My style was still developing here, but it's really quite similar to my style now. It's come a ways since 1995, but all in all I'd say this ain't bad.

One day I plan to do another actual more comic-y version of Jane Eyre, probably not Air Jane but a humorous take on the actual book. It'll be a lot longer and a follow the book more closely, but will still be done through what someone once described as "Through Amy-Colored Glasses." =p

For now, enjoy this little oldie but goodie. Air Jane has an interesting writing style, to be sure. Remember too that this wasn't really intended to share with people; it was for my own yeah, not as polished as most of my recent stuff. :D

NEXT PAGE: [link]

This comic can be read through here (I provided links for yer convenience :D ) or you can also read it at DrunkDuck [link]
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RapidEyeMovement-14's avatar
Excuse me while I fave this whole freakin' thing.