PotC: That matrix thing....hanime87 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hanime87/art/PotC-That-matrix-thing-58607540hanime87

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hanime87's avatar

PotC: That matrix thing....



Yaay! PotC again! Har har har! :ahoy:

A parody of the multiple Jacks scene on PotC 3. Reminded me a bit of the matrix................

I abused the duplicate layer command in this one because I'm too lazy to draw more than 3 Jack Sparrows hehe. Ingenious, you say? Not quite. Now everytime I hit COPY a little voice in my head tells me, "lazy artist"....either that's my brain talking to me or I've just gone completely nuts at long last. :D

Anyway, enough of this rambling. Get on with it! The suspense is killing me! :XD:
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864x600px 346.16 KB
© 2007 - 2025 hanime87
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NekoRikiRawrr's avatar

Hmmmm…u know how he gets these copies right?


Well, rest in peace Elizabeth Swan! Out with a bang…or @ least sumthn like a bang.^^;

 - -

From the top to the bottom

Bottom to top I stop

At the core

I’ve forgotten

In the middle of my thoughts

Taken far from my safety

The picture’s there

The memory won’t escape me

But why should I care?

 ~Forgotten by Linkin Park

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