Han Solo in Carbonitehanime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hanime/art/Han-Solo-in-Carbonite-154489285hanime

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Han Solo in Carbonite



My friends and I threw a Star Wars Party and we all came up with different types of fun foods and snacks we could make. I thought it would be really fun to make Chocolate Bars in the Shape of Han Solo in Carbonite. So I started by making a prototype out of sculpey, then cast a mold off of that using a food grade plastic silicon. Once it had set I just had to melt the chocolate, pour it in the mold and wait for it to cool! They were a huge hit at the party, and I look forward to an excuse to make them again!

For more information on how I made these Han Solo Chocolates, check out my blog: [link]
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800x534px 55.81 KB
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Indiana-Time-Rider's avatar
Woah, these are so cool! :D