Deviation Actions
This is a set of write to adopt tryouts exclusive to clansofthe-valley, they are not up for purchase & will not be used outside of the group.
Both non-members & current members of CoTV are allowed to try out for these cats!
Non-members, please be sure to read through cotv's information before applying!
If you fail to be active or end up leaving the group, the designs will be returned to me.
NOTE: I reserve the right to take back these cats for any reason I see fit!
Minor changes can be made to the designs, but nothing major! You can change stripe patterns, adjust markings, apply bans, etc!
Their Prefixes Cannot be changed, but you can change the suffix if you would like!
None of the cats have been assigned genders so you're free to pick whatever you prefer for your tryout!
- Swanjaw + Starlingskip - Closed
- Leafbrook + Sparrowsong + Shrikeseed - Open
None of the cats have strict or set personalities! Below is some basic info to get you started!
Leafbrook: They are 52 moons old and born in the same litter as Logbellow! When their mother left the clan, Leafbrook’s personality grew more quiet and reserved.
Shrikeseed: 12 moons old - kind of snooty
Starlingskip: 12 moons old - peppy and upbeat.
Sparrowsong: 12 moons old - A bit of a flirt
Swanjaw: 12 moons old - Loud and abrasive
Click here to see the designs for the parents!
Roottongue: Father of all the kids! He is a very caring father, but he and Barkbite argued throughout Leafbrook and Logbellow’s childhoods and grew distant after their mother left. He was not attentive of that litter, but is striving to be better.
He is very stubborn and refuses to budge on his beliefs.
Clan Loyalist
Barkbite: Mother of Logbellow and Leafbrook. Her similarly stubborn attitude caused her to butt heads with Roottongue and forced them apart. She is a curious cat with extreme commitment issues. While she loved her kids, she didn’t care about them enough to stay in the clan when they refused to leave with her.
Left when Leafbrook and Logbellow were apprentices and is now in snakeclan
The SootRoot kits would not know about her
Sootheart: Mother of Shrike Starling Sparrow and Swan. Shes a cat with a ton of love in her heart and always wanted to be a mother. She loves her kits to bits and pieces, doting on them and giving them lots n lots of love. She’s the kind of mother who would make sure you have everything you need before heading off to school, lunch? Coat? Books? Homework? Kiss? One more kiss? Have fun!
She dotes on both her kits and Roottongue. She also treats Logbellow and Leafbrook as her own kits- despite not being related by blood
Logbellow - HandHelld: Littermate to Leafbrook. He is a loud and angry cat and horrible at communicating with words. He believes that strength is everything and has an extreme hatred of rogues and other clans. Intensely follows the warrior code and takes his duties very seriously.
Branchkit: Littermate of Leafbrook and Logbellow who never made it to apprenticeship. During the flood, Barkbite lost hold of him and he was swept away into the rapids and killed. Roottogue continues to blame Barkbite for his death while Barkbite denies she had any fault.
Have any questions or concerns? Dm me on discord @ HandHelld#2025
Personality: 3 positive, 3 neutral, 3 negative
Thoughts / Relationship with Family Members: (Roottongue, Sootheart, and Logbellow. + Barkbite if applying for leafbrook)
Headcanons / Trivia:
Character: Leafbrook
Calm - Leafbrook is a soothing presence to be around. She doesn’t lose her head in any situation, instead approaching things with a sort of peace that can be refreshing. She can be a magnet for anyone with anxiety just because of her calming aura.
Careful - She thinks carefully before making an opinion or piece of advice known. She studies a problem from many angles before solving it. She cannot afford to make mistakes like Barkbite or Logbellow.
Kind - Unlike her brother, Leafbrook can be quite altruistic in nature. Though fair, she leans towards giving others the benefit of the doubt, or seeing things from their perspective. It pays to show kindness in the end.
Impartial - Like with physical problems, social issues are best solved with fairness. Leafbrook will not make a judgment about anything until she sees both sides of the problem. This stems from when her parents would argue, seeing holes in both arguments and also a good point buried in the emotion. Leafbrook also does not want to have a biased point of view like her littermate, Logbellow.
Quiet - She seems to be deliberate in her speech. She doesn’t just say things to say them, and likes the silence more than filling it with small talk. This likely stems from her noisy family issues—Leafbrook still hates when someone yells either at her or in her vicinity. It makes her anxious.
Perceptive - She notices things about others. Their favorite prey, who has been flirting with whom, which kits are friends with which, etc. She also notices the faint cracks in relationships, the microexpressions and tells of other cats. It can be a little unnerving.
Cold - Though Leafbrook can show kindness, it doesn’t mean she’s necessarily nice. She pushes others away before they can get to know her too well, and will cut someone off if she thinks she likes them too much. Subconsciously she does this because she doesn’t want to end up like Barkbite and Roottongue. It helped with the pain of their mother leaving them. It helped with the pain of losing Logbellow to exile, too.
Nostalgic - Leafbrook is often stuck in the past, wondering what if? What if Branchkit had survived? What would his name be now? What if she’d known how to swim back then? Could she have saved him? What if she had tried harder to be close to Logbellow? Would he be different now? Would he still be exiled? What if her parents had remained happy? What if…
Stoic - Leafbrook’s expression is often blank. She has schooled her body language to radiate calm and nothing else. She has feelings, somewhere deep down in there, but she’s locked them away where no one will ever find them. Including herself, except in dreams.
Thoughts / Relationship with Family Members:
Roottongue - Leafbrook stayed close to her father for much longer than Logbellow. Though Leafbrook’s demeanor became more distant over time, she still loves him. She doesn’t agree with his views on clan loyalties, which she feels are extreme, but Leafbrook has never voiced that aloud. She thinks her father’s relationship with Sootheart made him kinder.
Barkbite - Leafbrook feels nothing for her mother. Not anger, not bitterness, not frustration nor sadness. (Not anymore.) She came to terms with Barkbite’s emotional abandonment long before her mother left to another clan. Leafbrook hardly ever thinks of her nowadays. (But what might have happened, had she left with her to SnakeClan? Was Barkbite right?)
Sootheart - Leafbrook is happy her father found someone new. He and Barkbite were broken irreparably, after all, and Roottongue deserves happiness. Leafbrook doesn’t necessarily think it’s her job to make nice with Sootheart, though, but she thinks she’s all right.
Logbellow - Ah, her brother. Her stubborn, loud, violent brother. She watched him grow more and more divisive after Barkbite left. Leafbrook hopes to be everything he is not. Once upon a time, she supported him, but now… well, he deserved what he got. She does not miss him. (She is lying.)
Swanjaw - Her half-sibling, and boy are they loud. Leafbrook finds them to be a bit abrasive and proud, but she occasionally brings them a nice, fat fish since they like them so much.
Starlingskip - Another half-sibling, but Leafbrook is… unexpectedly fond of Starling. She is patient with him when it comes to his inability to choose sides, often speaking in a calm way and giving him the information from both sides of an argument to let him make up his own mind. His upbeat personality and kind demeanor make her feel something nice, sometimes, though she brushes him off when he tries to get closer. She wonders if Branchkit might have been like Starlingskip.
Headcanons / Trivia:
Leafbrook has learned to swim over the years for many reasons. For one, she missed Branchkit, and wanted to go where he was last seen to speak to him. Two, she wanted to learn to swim because she didn’t want to drown like he did. Three, it made her feel closer to her deceased sibling; was his body nearby?Did his spirit watch this river? And four, she wanted to face the thing she feared and conquer it. (It’s not an excuse to avoid her anxieties and trauma over her parents’ split, or Logbellow’s extremism, why would you think that?)
Learning to swim has made Leafbrook very good at fishing. She provides much for the prey pile this way.
Her calm personality with secret depth, along with her skill in the water earned her the name -brook.
She still speaks to Branchkit to this day, even though he cannot answer. He’s up with StarClan somewhere, so she knows he can hear. She speaks more aloud to him than anyone else, and often will talk about an issue she’s having that needs to be solved to help her think.