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[COTV] Troutpaw app




               - B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O N -

Name Meaning:
    Trout - Parent's fav fish
    Paw - Long tail
Past Name(s): Troutkit

Starting Date: NOVEMBER 12TH 2022
Current Age: 9 moon
    Starting Age: 6 moon

Physical Gender: Female
Gender Identity: Girlie

                - C L A N  I N F O R M A T I O N -
Birth Clan: Snakeclan
Current Clan: Snakeclan
Rank: Apprentice
Past Mentor: /// ROBINSPLASH
Apprentice: ///
Past Apprentice(s): ///

                - S T A T S -

                - P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N -

Body Type: BONGO
Fur Type: fluffy
Fur Color: white n black
Eye Color: golden
Scars: //

Goals in Love: //

Goals in Life: 
- Keep Chub from getting obliterated
- Meet a BEAR! a FOX! a BADGER! a MOOSE!
- Consume all souls of the damned from the valley <3

                 - P E R S O N A L I T Y -
Bullet; Green Positive
Bullet; Yellow Neutral
Bullet; Red Negative

| Responsible | Outgoing | Venturesome | Opinionated | Fearless | Protective | Private | Stubborn | Impulsive | 

Bullet; Green Responsible: Troutpaw's sister tends to get in a lot of trouble so someone has to make sure she doesn't get hurt! While she won't stop them, Trout always tags along when Chub or any of her friends stumble towards danger.
Bullet; Green Outgoing: Trout loves to be around others! She is quite happy not being the center of attention and to follow others, but loves to mingle and hang out.
Info about why they're this
Bullet; Green
Venturesome: Trout has a ceaseless curiosity! She can't help but love to learn and explore the world around her.
Bullet; Yellow Opinionated: Trout forms strong opinions about others but keeps them to herself. her inner thoughts tend not to be polite lady-like things to say- so she doesnt say.
Bullet; Yellow Fearless: Trout hasn't developed a great sense of self preservation. She's always raring to stare in the face of danger, but also normal day to day things. She isnt afraid to get dirty or stinky, covered in mud or webs. Well- so long as it isnt a bug.
Bullet; Yellow Protective: Nothing will happen to her loved ones under her watch! Trout wants to be strong enough to keep her sister out of harms way, keep her clan safe from icky dark forest ghosts n mean rogues!
Bullet; Red Private: Troutpaw tends to keep her thoughts to herself. She doesn't tend to share her inner thoughts and opinions, whether its what ails her or her deepest fascinations.
Bullet; Red Stubborn: Trout has her beliefs and the way she does things and does not like when that is interrupted or changed. She also refuses to budge on her opinions and hates to be questioned.
Bullet; Red Impulsive: If she wants to do something she will do it! That mud pile is just waiting to be rolled in right?

Likes: Big scary creatures, Snakes and Rats and all things nasty.
Dislikes: Rude nosey dirtheads,
Fears: BUGS.

                - H I S T O R Y - 
Kithood (0 - 5 Moons)
  • Troutkit and Chubkit were born to a happy couple (Thistleheart and Sparrowspring) and named after their parent's favorite fish!

  • The warriors were excited to bring their two little bundles of joy into the world, despite the valley being an actual shitshow with a murder investigation going on. (BATB)

  • During the investigations of the murders, their father Sparrowpring tripped and fell on his way back up towards snakeclan. This lead to his death, which left their mother heartbroken.

  • Thistleheart became a shell of the woman she was, leaving them with their paternal grandmother Ivyclaw. Now that the murders were over, she left to visit the place where her mate had died, but wandered too close to a snake nest.
  • Fortunately for the kits, they were too young to quite understand what had happened to their mother. They were left confused and sad when she never came home.
  • Ivyclaw raised the two kits in their parents absence, the elder having all the time in the world to dedicate to her sweet little grandkits. She raised them with love and affection, neither of them faced with hardship and growing up happy little babes.
  • Troutkit loved to follow around her more outgoing sister as she climbed up the legs of warriors and caused general havoc. Where Chubkit was, Troutkit was always sure to be one step behind her, skipping along with a smile.
  • Troutkit was rather concerned when prophecies were given to normal cats. She never quite liked the idea of the dead speaking to the living, especially that they gave weird cryptic prophecies. If they were all knowing and all powerful, why didn't they just fix it or atleast give them a straight answer!
  • Chubkit always seemed unconcerned with the warriors and cats going missing, disappearing and coming back injured from raids- she just saw it as weird which- okay thats weird! Chub always seemed indifferent, so Trout took it upon herself to make sure nothing bad happened to Chub. She'd always stuck by her sister's side, so it wasnt too much of a change.
  • Even with everything going on, their apprenticeship approached. Trout followed her sister's lead, keeping her out of harms way from dangerous nettles and snakes and mole holes.
Apprenticeship (6 - approx. 12 Moons)
  • WAHOOO apprentice time! Trout was thrilled to be able to explore the territory and see more of the world! She just hoped her mentor didn't keep her separated from her sister.

Warriorhood (12 Moons - Current)
Awwwww yea, Cool whip XTREME

                - R E L A T I O N S H I P S -
 (Not looking / Looking)
Ideal Relationship and Traits: 
(Feel free to add more family members if you'd like to include more detail.)
Exampleclaw | @  | Rank | - Relationship Description

Exampleclaw | @  | Rank | - Relationship Description

Exampleclaw | @  |  Rank | - Relationship Description

Exampleclaw | @  |  Rank | - Relationship Description

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1920x1080px 1.75 MB
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