HandHelld on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/handhelld/art/Blood-is-thicker-than-water-Foxthroat-NPC-App-881790422HandHelld

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Blood is thicker than water - Foxthroat NPC App




               - B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O N -

Name: Foxthroat
Name Meaning:
    Fox - His fox colored pelt
    Throat - His determination and confidence in the face of adversity
Past Name(s): Foxpaw / Foxkit
Nickname(s): Fox
Age: 15 Moons - Died February 2022
Physical Gender: Male
Gender Identity: Male
Voice: Todoroki Natsuo - BNHA (Clip 2)
Theme Song(s): This bitch has a whole playlist in chronological order

                 - P E R S O N A L I T Y -

Foxthroat is a cat who gives his all into everything he does. He’s a fiercely devoted cat who takes the world and shapes it into his ideal. He cannot stand when things go his way, doing everything in his power to manipulate situations to standard.

"Blood is thicker than water"
Foxthroat believes that family and clan means more than anything else in the world. Cats who abandon their families for other clans and their flawed idea of what "Love" is are fundimentally wrong. Love cannot exist when one's family suffers from it. Because foxthroat was unable to control his own life and family when this happened, he seeks to hurt cats who do it to their own.
In the dark forest, Foxthroat does not regret any of his actions while he was alive- only that he couldnt follow through.

Bullet; Green Serious | Bullet; Green Devoted | Bullet; Green Orderly | Bullet; Yellow Practical | Bullet; Yellow Emotionally driven | Bullet; Red Controlling  | Bullet; Red Anxious | Bullet; Red Uptight |

Bullet; Green Serious 
Foxthroat doesn't like to joke or play around, and struggles to accept that things can be taken lightly. He's straightforward and to the point, driven towards his goals and following them without fail. He doesn't understand how cats can play around and lollygag when theres a clan to feed, chores to complete and an objective to be accomplished. As he's grown older and to his death, this trait only grew stronger.

Bullet; Green Devoted
Foxthroat puts his all into everything he does, never half-assing tasks. It simply isnt an option. In life he was devoted to his pursuit of strength and misguided vengence. In death Foxthroat devotes himself to the sibling he abandoned in his death. He watches over Minnowsplash and cares for them a great deal.

Bullet; Green Orderly 
Foxthroat is an organised cat. He keeps everything in his life to a rigid order, having everything where he deems its supposed to be. In life he kept a strict schedule, having his days and plans blocked out far far in advance. This came in handy when disguising his blood hungry hunts. In death, he has much less to do and organize, fully devoting his time to his sibling.

Bullet; Yellow Practical 
Fox is a practical thinker, and strives to always think things through, thoroughly before making a decision. While this can lead to him making good decisions, when put on the spot, he tends to choke. His decisions may seem entirely illogical to others, but in his twisted worldview, his perfect world, they line up in the way that achieves his goals. His perceived ideals.

 Bullet; Yellow Emotionally driven
While Foxthroat does thoroughly think through his decisions, they are oftentimes clouded by his emotions. He cares so deeply for his love ones, that his love can lead him to make choices that may not be in his own, or even their best interests. His actions may not look it, but his heart is in the right place.

Bullet; Red Controlling
He feels the constant need to be in control of situations. To know what is happening around him and what he can do to solve problems and prevent future ones. He doesn't want, but needs the world to be shaped to his ideal. His way is the only way. When things stray from plan, he gets frantic and anxious, lashing out and running on pure instinct.

Bullet; Red Anxious
Foxthroat is wound up incredibly tight, and it is very easy for him to snap. He lashes out frequently, not in anger but of stress. He can't stand when things don't go to his plan, becoming a mess of anxious emotions. 

Bullet; Red Uptight
As a consequence of his seriousness, Foxthroat tends to be rather uptight. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor and hates to deviate from his plans. 

Likes: He loves his family above all else. Foxthroat at his core is a cat who loves strongly and with his everything. 
Dislikes: Foxthroat has a deep hatred for crossclan romances, believing them to be the root of heartache. They are the reason his life was ruined.
Fears: Foxthroat's biggest fear is being abandoned and forgotten. He doesnt like when he loses control and things slip through his paws, terrified of everyone he loves slipping away and out of sight.

                - H I S T O R Y - 
    To be updated....

                - F U N  F A C T S  - 
  • Foxthroat is viciously protective of his family.
  • The injury that Killed foxthroat caused major head trauma before he eventually bled out and died.
  • Said injury caused Foxthroat to awaken in the dark forest without the ability to hear.
  • His only regret is dying and leaving Minnowsplash all alone.

                - C L A N  I N F O R M A T I O N -
Birth Clan: Snakeclan
Current Clan: Dark forest
Rank: Warrior
Past Mentor: Smokebreeze
Past Apprentice(s): N/A

                - R E L A T I O N S H I P S -
Parents: Featherfall (Deceased), Sootstone
Mate: N/A
Ex-Mate(s): N/A
Offspring: n/A
Cat(s) they watch over, if applicable: Minnowsplash
Honeythroat | Lynxclan | Warrior| - Sister
- In life, foxthroat and honeythroat had a less than stellar relationship. Foxthroat spent the majority of his life angry with her for abandoning him and starting a new family. This lead to the BATB event and the death of both Foxthroat and Honeythroat.
- Foxthroat loves her even after their deaths, but he still can never forgive her for her actions. He sees their deaths as just another tragedy caused by false crossclan love. None of this wouldve happened if it wasnt for otterspark.

Minnowsplash | Snakeclan  |  Warrior | - Sibling
- Foxthroat and minnowpslash had a rocky relationship when Fox died, but he still loves Minnow.
- Post mortem- Foxthroat realises that he abandoned minnowsplash. He went and got himself recklessly killed and left him all alone without any family. He knows he can never right this wrong, so he watches over minnowsplash

Smokebreeze | Snakeclan | Warrior | Mentor
- Foxthroat had a pricky relationship with Smoke for a long time, but eventually warmed up to her when she stopped trying to be emotional support to him. (In his eyes, stopped trying to replace honeythroat)

Dovethorn | Snakeclan | Warrior | Enemy
- Foxthroat pushed Dovethorn off a fucking cliff. he hates this motherfucker
- Dovethorn is piece of shit, but Foxthroat will never admit that the tom gave him guidance in a way. He pushed foxthroat over the edge and his words lead to him finally letting go and comiting the crimes during BATB.

Image size
1192x670px 687.67 KB
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