
4 min read

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HanaClayWorks's avatar
I decided to make it easier for everyone to access my tutorials because, let's admit it... we're all lazy as sin. xP I know I get too lazy to even search through my own gallery, so I won't put you guys through it! lol

There is a new thing I'm doing with video tutorials.  So far I only have 3 up, but that number will grow!

Without further ado, here's the tutorial list!

Regular Pictorials
Origami Ball Units
Cheesecake and Plate
Layered Cake
Clay Stars
Coloring Clay with Pastels
Tsumami Flowers

Video Tutorials
Tsumami Flowers
Paper Stars
Origami Ball Units

Mmmmmmk... so that's pretty much it at this time.  I have more tutorials than I thought I did... but I suppose that's a good thing? xP


PS-- A big THANK YOU to everyone who gave me suggestions for video sites! :D It's much appreciated~


Clubs I'm a part of:

Please read my FAQs!  -----------> CLICK ON ME AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!~ :star:(HUGE update on 09.26.2007):star:

.-*~:heart:Commission Info!:heart:~*-.
1. PLEASE do not tell me that you want to commission me only to disappear a week later. That's not cool in my book. :( I don't mind people asking for quotes and then deciding that it's too expensive or takes too long, etc. and changing their minds, but if you tell me that you want something made, don't skip out on me! T^T

2. I currently have 2 commissions that I need to be working on - ONE of which I'm almost done with. I have decided that I will have a maximum of 6 slots open.

slot 1: :iconpassionstar:
slot 2: :iconblack-amethyst-rose:
slot 3: -open- (because some &#$^% hasn't answered my emails in forever)
slot 4: -open-
slot 5: -open-
slot 6: -open-

3. Therefore, commissions are currently OPEN - only 4 slots left. Please note me for more information!

READ THIS ONE TOO ----> All commissions are for a December shipping date! I cannot guarantee the package's safety, cost, and timely delivery if it is shipped before that date! Please understand!

© 2007 - 2025 HanaClayWorks
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sweetkrissy's avatar
...am I number 3? xD Still remember me? I'm still in for the weddingcake(for the wedding of my sister)...

so sorry if I am number 3