Bakery Story...

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HanaClayWorks's avatar
22.5K Views my new addiction. xD

I've been playing it non-stop this entire past week and I have no idea why! It's not like there's a lot to do in it.  Like my best friend says, there's something extremely hypnotizing and addicting about watching little pixel people eat food!

Anyway, I think for my next project, I'm going to continue my addiction by making miniatures based on the desserts that you can make in Bakery Story :D Keep an eye out for that update! No idea exactly when I'll have time to finish it, but I assure you the addiction is strong!

Oh and I got a job as a high school biology teacher :D GO TEMPLE CITY RAMS!!!

-HCW <3

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Phoneix-Faerie's avatar
congratulations on the job :)