DOB: March, 8th
Status: High School Graduate
Style: Anime CGi
Theme: Mythical & Fantasy
Career: Illustrator &/or Game designer
Inspiration: Anything Japanese
Provisions: Tea, Banana Granola, Music
Tools: Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop CS3, Wacom Bamboo tablet
Current Residence: An old doll house...
Print preference: Large prints are good.
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Pop, JPop, Kpop
Favourite style of art: Anime, CGI
Operating System: Acer 17" Laptop, with Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Ipod or PSP
Shell of choice: Turtle shells are nice, but I like egg shells best.
Wallpaper of choice: Anything that catches my fancy.
Favourite cartoon character: Mato/Yomi from Black Rock Shooter, Victorique from GOSICK, Ohno from Genshiken, Yune from Ikoku M.C.
Personal Quote: Yay...