HamzaLippisch on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/hamzalippisch/art/MiniBee-Above-Mont-St-Michel-684678410HamzaLippisch

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HamzaLippisch's avatar

MiniBee Above Mont St-Michel



Here's something you don't get to see every day: The MiniBee, an electric octocopter (4 vertical fans and 4 tiltable ones) conceptualized by Technoplane aeronautical company and i got to do the artistic impression of this (i hope) future aircraft.
For the first time, i went for a car like paint job, straight out of the factory. You can also notice that there's no control surfaces on the wings, that's because it doesn't need any and rely entirely on varying the throttle on its many ducted fans.
Meant to be easy to pilot, it would be equiped with a car like cockpit interface : Steering wheel, foot pedals, central sreen. 
Its expected range is 800km, with a cruise speed of 220 km/h

3dsmax, photoshop
Image size
5802x2427px 4.74 MB
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Jimbowyrick1's avatar
Cool design, but it seems awfully big to carry just two people.
Try tweaking the design by enlarging the passengers, and heightening their part of the canopy.  The windshield is fine and may only need some height added where it mates with the passenger canopy.
Best, Jimbo