Super Rivalry.HamSamwich on DeviantArt

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HamSamwich's avatar

Super Rivalry.



Another picture for my Supercrash collection of inspiration 8D

Third time I've drawn Superouf.. gosh he looks so much better than the first time I drew him xD I've gotten a lot better in a year's time.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why the heck there's a rivalry between them anyway. To be honest, I don't know myself lol.

To me, they seem to have somewhat similar personalities and that doesn't always mean similar people are gonna like each other. ... actually I don't know where I'm going with this lol so I'll just say this was a random picture.

I'm really not sure how Supervoix (Sam) and Superpouf would interact with each other. I did draw him flirting with her on a few occasions but that's beside the point. Ah well xD

Hope you like

Supervoix (Sam) --> me
Superpouf (c) =TheBourgyman
Image size
1043x1273px 587.23 KB
© 2012 - 2025 HamSamwich
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s0s2's avatar
very cute X3