Winter is Coming!!

4 min read

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HaliteAnn's avatar
I can't believe how cold it's been getting already!  I've been at university going on three months now, but it's really flown past.  Though I'm definitely looking forward to our little autumn break. ^.^
Working on my Breyers has been getting increasingly difficult, both due to the cold weather and the fact that I now live on the fourth floor of my building, so carrying a freshly-primed model up and down either the elevator or the stairs can be risky business--especially when surrounded by half-drunken college guys!  Because of that, I've put my latest Breyer piece on hold until I can find a more manageable method of transport.  Maybe I should just spend a day set up in the downstairs lobby, so I don't have to use the stairs!  No one uses those lounges anyways.

On to the subject of holidays!!!  As you can see, the warm-hearted ANIMALGIRL1869 surprised me with a subscription!  This little fuzzy reminder that I'm still alive on here prompted me to realize how much I've been ignoring the art world, so I'd like to open a few trades if anyone is interested.  If not, that's fine too, and I might sneak around and surprise some people. ;D
The winter holidays will be my best chance to catch up on all the art I've been ignoring--I actually even have a piece or two that just sat on my computer, waiting for me to write more about my characters before I post them!  What with NaNoWriMo looming over my head, I simply haven't had the time or dedication.
Which is another subject!  NaNoWriMo is well in progress, and I'd like to think I'm holding up pretty well!  Like any NaNo, I've had my share of silly and depressing stories, and I'd love to hear some of the outrageous events and ideas that occurred to anyone else who decided to participate this year!

Well, that's about it--nothing much else interesting on this side of the screen, aside from deadlines and exams.  I know it's a little early to be wishing everyone happy holidays, but I'm going to anyways!  Around here, there are even some places playing holiday music already. ;3



To-Do List

:bulletblue: Thunder and Lightning for ANIMALGIRL1869.
:bulletblue: NaNoWriMo!!!
:bulletblue: Latest custom Breyer!

© 2012 - 2024 HaliteAnn
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ANIMALGIRL1869's avatar
Merry Christmas sweety :D enjoy your holidays :D