GNOME Shell - Ubuntu Ambiancehalf-left on DeviantArt

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GNOME Shell - Ubuntu Ambiance



This is a GNOME Shell theme based on the default GTK theme (ambiance light) that comes with Ubuntu. The Ubuntu font is enabled by default in this theme so it fits better.

Wallpaper comes as part of Ubuntu 11.04.

3.4 Version


Please avoid a manual install and use the GNOME Tweak Tool, it's much easier.

You can use the gnome-shell theme extension for easier switching of themes. Unzip the file and load which version you want into the gnome tweak tool, i.e

GNOME Tweak Tool

Make sure you have user-theme-extension installed. Load the GNOME Tweak Tool and go to Shell Extensions and click the "Use Theme Extension" switch. Now go to Theme>Shell Theme and click the box and locate your theme zip. Now you can select the theme in the dropdown box.

License: GPL3

Compatibility: GNOME 3.0.x/3.2

Update - 18th December 2011

- Added GNOME 3.2 compatibility.
© 2011 - 2025 half-left
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Do you know or does anyone know how can I remove that shadow that stays under the status bar? (I imagine that's located in the gnome-shell.css, but dunno what line)