Digivice D-Power Custom 2halconfenix on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/halconfenix/art/Digivice-D-Power-Custom-2-80984902halconfenix

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Digivice D-Power Custom 2



WEIRD TOYZ: Los juguetes de los pobres

Otro juguete poco original: Digivice D-Power

como cosa rara no es el juguete original, pero decidi personalizarlo un poco (originalmente era todo verde... yuck!)

lo interesante es que hasta imita el sistema de combate entre digivices... asi como el original

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640x480px 25.2 KB
© 2008 - 2025 halconfenix
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bobotheball's avatar
I am getting a knockoff D-Ark (by that I mean it's a digivice that's made in china but looks exactly like the japanese version, and the box claims "599 in 1", whatever that means) and I plan on painting it but the rubber buttons are black. would acryllic paint work to cover them up or would I have to use something else?