Hazel Grace LancasterHalChroma on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/halchroma/art/Hazel-Grace-Lancaster-437756239HalChroma

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Hazel Grace Lancaster



I just finished reading The Fault in our Stars (succhhh an amazing book) and I couldn't help but draw wonderful Hazel Grace.  I just reallllyyy realllyy reeeaallly regret knowing what happens to Augustus Waters before I read the book.....I couldn't even feel genuinely sad about it. XD Oh well, but John Green is truly an amazing author.

If you like this, then see:
Mary Margaret Balnchard: fav.me/d748txn
Tinker Bell: fav.me/d77bl3z
Haze; Grace Lancaster: You are here
Beca Mitchell: fav.me/d79u26f
America Singer: fav.me/d7aza8i
Celaena Sardothien: fav.me/d7c01oz

Hazel Grace (c) John Green

:star: Every 10th commenter gets a watch from me! :star:
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AnaxErik4ever's avatar
Yay!  The heroine I wish had been around for me in high school, and before then too.