Secrets Kept Deadhalaquinn-arcadias on DeviantArt

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Secrets Kept Dead



-Self Portrait-

Unlike most of my conceptual photography, I shot this the day after I came up with the idea :P

I really like randomly creating something totally different from the rest of my deviations, especially with self portraits.

It was a lot more time consuming then I thought it would be. Painting the arms/ hands took the longest.
For the set up, painting and shooting it took most of the day :) I feel it was well worth it, I really like how the pictures turned out, and I doubt this will be the last of the shoot I post on dA.

Even if the images hadn't turned out well, I'd say the time painting was well spent just because of the reactions I got on webcam... And my mother O_O

The hard part was I couldn't move my face at all or the paint would crack :| So laughing at people who fell off of their chair was a bad thing :D

I'd really love some comments on this one, I put a lot into it.

The 2nd photo in my skeleton series is Death's Requiem :)

I give permission to ~darkelements and *inblack-club to submit and display this artwork

The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted, all rights reserved.My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. This includes book / cd covers, layouts, ect. Anyone violating these rules will be prosecuted legally.
If you have questions, note me or email me at
Image size
3308x2816px 1.38 MB
© 2007 - 2025 halaquinn-arcadias
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