RouletteHaikuxx on DeviantArt

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Haikuxx's avatar




Nothing much to say about this one, I am rather found of it, as I keep looking and it grows on me.. Anyways I used several different things to make up the image, 3 different sets of star brushes, the cliffs, the earth, and 1 moon brush set. I am pleased I think since this is coming back from a looong break where I did basically no photoshop, or nothing serious at least.. I had muse for this one so I ran with it.

Credits on the image. And so help me if I find anyone with this image, but Cappy, I won't be happy. So hands off.


Since people have been wondering I thought I would show you what all the backgrounds looked like that I used in this.
the moon, was a brush, the star background is the base of the entire image, ignore the big white blob lol, the earth and cliff were really the only things I didn't make and just manipulated.

Image size
880x1000px 849.72 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Haikuxx
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Sprinter136's avatar
This is really couldn'tve picked a more fitting color of horse to put in a snowy BG