Shreeky And BeastlyHahStudios on DeviantArt

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HahStudios's avatar

Shreeky And Beastly



I HATED my first designs of Shreeky and Beastly, barely distinguishable from the original. So I tried to again and even gave them back story:

Shreeky (birth name pending) was a text book definition of a bad kid. Neglected by family, uninterested in friends or improving her life, she was easy pickings for No Heart’s shadow that corrupts her to be his number one minion. To make it worst Beastly was the violent bulldog of Shreeky’s who was also morphed and corrupted by the shadow into a monster.

Can’t wait to draw them some more!

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Firecraker-J's avatar

These versions actually make more sense in the context of the “reboot.” Nicely done.