Marsh x CoconutHahStudios on DeviantArt

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Marsh x Coconut



I haven’t drawn these two in AGES! Possibly because the artist who created the wings of fire dragon designs is no fan of mine lol.

But let me talk about these two while assuming you don’t know Wings of Fire.

Marsh (brown dragon) was a child soldier with the PTSD to show for it. When coming to his brother’s academy to learn among other dragon species he was paired with the rainwing Coconut (greenie there) as roommates. The books are not subtle to tell you Coconut is dumb and harmless and that makes Marsh feel safe and happy around him. But I think...just because he acts dumb doesn’t mean he is. I headcannon him as very attuned to his friend’s anxiety and will have no qualms with nuzzling against him and being a physical comforting presence to the former soldier.

Now whether he was quick to realize Marsh’s romantic feelings...I can’t say. 

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VultureofCivilDawn's avatar

Uh oh 😅 What have u done . . . these might just be my favorite WoF (noncanon) gays! 😍😍 Of course there's Qinter and stuff but these 2 have so much potential! :D