Could You Be Happy 4/10HahStudios on DeviantArt

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Could You Be Happy 4/10



Wanted to redo my first Bugfriend comic cause the first one is ugly.

I think I got some new followers so then so summary: Bugfriend is a story of a girl (Lyra) getting shrunk and sent into a world of anthro bugs and tragically she has a phobia of them. But she befriends a luna moth named Io who promises to help her get home but ends up falling in love with her in the process.

The context of the comic is they had failed a plan to get her back home and she’s rightfully upset. And unfortunately awkward Io thinks now’s a good time to more or less confess that he wants her to stay with him. As we can see Lyra doesn’t take it well. 

I plan on redoing the next comic I did where she talks with the main antagonist of the story.

Image size
661x1164px 483.24 KB
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