
ToT | The Diplomatic Deal | Prologue

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HadasamuiHikari's avatar

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    "Tabira isn't exactly what I'd call close to Ywaru," says Faye as she studies the map. "I say the fastest way to get there is to follow the river that cuts right next to it."

    "It would take days for us to get there on foot!" remarks Ian. He wasn't up for walking so early in the morning. His fur was frizzy from the familiar wake up call Faye would give him when he over slept. He tends to do that a lot...

    "We already marked some of our paths yesterday. We would've gotten farther if someone didn't start throwing paint!"

    "That was you!"

    "Well, whatever. We've packed already, so all that leaves is to meet up with the rest! They should be near the Great Tree," says Faye. She picks up her backpack, packed to the brim with food and empty containers for water. They would pick some water up from the section of the river close to Tabira. She had a symbol of temperance tucked in there and her signature mood bandana was tied around her tail. The pichu leads her team of three to the Great Tree. Their hovel of a home and team base was, thankfully, not too far from the massive plant.

    In front the Artisans place of residence was a stand with a sign behind it. On said sign was a map with certain coordinates, obviously marked by Topaz. The signature was an Artisan emblem with artsy handwriting.

    "I guess this is where we're supposed to meet Topaz and Gemma." Ian dips his paw into the bottle of ink that was set on the stand. Faye spreads their map onto the stand and Ian writes the location on it with his inked claws.

    "Let's go troops! The earlier, the better!" Faye orders. With that, the small team starts on their way to Ywaru Canyon. They travel to Mosswood and take a break for the night at Margret's family's home. After a long goodbye, they begin their travels again and after three days they almost reach Ywaru, but a certain vaporeon interrupts the group.

    "Ack! That water's terrible!" hisses Daxton. The vaporeon hurriedly jumps out of the contaminated river. No doubt that they were close to Ywaru. Good thing they bottled up fresh water earlier! The bad thing is that Daxton was here... And it doesn't look like he forgot what happened the last time.

    "You! What are you doing here?!" Ian's fur stands on end.

    "That's none of your business, fox dung." The bandit leaps for the fox and the battle's begun.

    "This guy doesn't know when to give up, huh?"
You know it isn't Team StarStruck if they aren't fighting before the first chapter! xD

I know that the "marked some of our paths yesterday" part probably makes no sense. It's from an rp me and :iconfireswallowtanager: are doing. If I'm right, she said she would upload them to the group, so I'll link to it so you guys will know what's going on! ^^

Team StarStruck
Personal NCPs
Chapter 1



:icontalesoftabira: TalesOfTabira
© 2016 - 2024 HadasamuiHikari
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fireswallowtanager's avatar
xDDDD Well, looks like they're in for a rematch! owo
Also, traveling solo is the way to go~! :D jk jk well if anything, your team is much more independent than my team. ;^; 
Gotta love how the two lovebirds Faye and Ian start fighting before they even START their journey. The heat didn't even have a chance to get to them xD