
ToT | Into the Darkhowl Woods | Prologue

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In the StarStruck residence.....

“Wake up, Ian!”, screams a young pichu named Faye. “We have our first mission today!”

The zorua lazily rolls around in his cottony bed, his eyes half lidded. “I thought our first mission was cleaning that scholar research area.”, he says with a yawn.

“That was a task not a mission you dolt! Besides we have something that’s actually important this time, and after being out of duty for so long it’s time we prove to this town that we can do something!” Faye then pulls out her journal, where a decent sized to-do-list is. “We have plenty to do in these next two months. In here is a list of the stuff we can do, and I’d prefer that we do all of it.”

“All of it?! There’s no way we’ll be able to finish all that!”, exclaims Ian with a very astonished look on his face, which Faye found extremely amusing.

"We're gonna start with this one.", states Faye as she points at one of the Darkhowl Woods missions. 

"Hmm... We have to find some missing kids? That should be easy!", Ian scoffs as he reads the details of the assignment.

"Easy? You think this'll be easy?"

"Yeah. I mean how hard can it be to find two lost kids in the woods with some evil witch lady?", says the witless zorua.

"As hard as it is to wake you up in the morning...", groans the moody pichu. 

"So is gonna be SUPER easy!"

The irritable pichu just stares at Ian blankly before becoming enraged at his annoyance. 

"If it's so easy then why don't you do it?!", says Faye very rudely.


"If it's so easy then why don't you do it," says Faye through gritted teeth, "by yourself."

Ian's only response being a couple of blinks just makes the pichu angrier by the second. 

"And what're you gonna do, Miss Boss?", replies Ian smartly.

"I'm gonna do the other Darkhowl mission.", she replies.

"Wow. You just can't stand me can you?!"


"I wish you'd be a little more considerate!"

"I wish you'd shut up!"

"Fine! And when I complete my mission, I'm not gonna share the shawl with you!"

"I didn't want that shawl anyway!"



And with that the two stormed out of the house and were on their way to their own separate missions. Little do they know that someone heard them.... every single word...
Oh boy.... Things will only get worse from here. XD

Team StarStruck
Chapter 1



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