Reborn in an Endless Cycleh-a-k-k-o on DeviantArt

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Reborn in an Endless Cycle

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HQ image available without watermarks on my Patreon ^^

It took me almost two weeks to finish this image (yes, it was quite a long process)

mainly because I tried to recreate the original style of each Link

(they didn't come out exactly the same, but not too far from each other either).

Since I was a kid I have enjoyed each new installment of the saga and I have seen how it has evolved over the years, so, for that reason, I admit that my choice of each Link was arbitrary and based on my own preferences =P
I hope I can enjoy a couple of more releases in this life and I really hope you like the final work that I made with a lot of love ^^


Instagram (2016) Icon ultramini My Instagram

Image size
5425x6902px 89.93 MB
© 2024 - 2025 h-a-k-k-o
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engma4's avatar

nice i like it