Needs Reprogramminggytalf2000 on DeviantArt

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Needs Reprogramming



Sandra Bellman, aka "Madame Dragonfly", has a dinner date with the mad scientist Angus Cornelius Angry (Professor Angry). On her way to the misanthropic academician's mansion, Sandra encounters Sparrowhawk and the Wasp. The heroines attempt to stop the sultry supervillainess, but she blasts them into unconsciousness with relative ease! Ms. Bellman decides that her friend Angus might be pleased to see Sabrina and Janet as unconscious captives, so she wraps the two defeated crimefighters up in energy cocoons, and continues on to the professor's address.

When Sandra arrives, she reverts back to human size, losing her dragonfly wings in the process, and rings the doorball. Unfortunately, one of the professor's sphere-droids registers this action as an intrusion, and blasts the unwary adventurer senseless! As Sandra blacks out, her control over her energy cocoons dissipates -- the Wasp and Sparrowhawk and dumped unceremoniously onto the sidewalk as the cocoons disappear!

Before Madame Dragonfly even has time to fall, the droid has erected a force field of debilitating energy around her fantastic body. When the butler arrives at the door, he is greeted by the sight of the near-naked villainess ensconced within the coruscating energy.

Professor Angry is informed of this rather interesting development. He realizes that he needs to re-program his sphere-droid. It should be a simple matter to revive the sexy entomologist-turned-villainess -- he always has plenty of smelling salts available! However, the bewildered professor can't help but ponder if this unfortunate incident will affect the course of the dinner date...
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© 2012 - 2025 gytalf2000
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Blades-123's avatar
I agree, great to see her again.:)